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Uber (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

app for iPhone, Android, Windows Phone
Uber logo

Download Uber:
Apple iPhone
Google Android
Windows Phone

Official web site:

Promo code: 6cx7j

Uber from San Francisco (USA) is the undisputed leader in the application for an order of a taxi in the world, because, in fact, they are the first to come up with and implement this brilliant idea.

Technically Uber is not a taxi in the conventional sense of the word. The company does not have its own car park, and is working with the St. Petersburg drivers. However, the selection of drivers and their vehicles takes place on the basis of the whole set of criteria. The car, of course, be in good condition and not older than 3 years.

The cost of travel, first of all, depends on the market conditions. In St. Petersburg, in periods of high demand, the base rate is automatically multiplied by a factor. Be prepared that at weekends and on public holidays and in the evening the price may be increased in proportion to the demand.

Uber travel fares in St. Petersburg:

Uber known quite low fares compared to conventional taxi, car supply at a reasonable price rate UberX in St. Petersburg costs 50 rubles, while time paid at the price of 7 rubles/minute and mileage from 7 rubles/km.

Flat Rates to/from Pulkovo airport:

Krasnoselsky – Pulkovo Airport 400 rubles
Kirovsky district – Pulkovo Airport 400 rubles
Pushkin district – Pulkovo Airport 400 rubles
Nevsky District – Pulkovo Airport 700 rubles
Petrodvorets district – Pulkovo Airport 700 rubles
Petrogradsky district – Pulkovo Airport 1000 rubles
Primorsky District – Pulkovo Airport 1000 rubles
Vyborg district – Pulkovo Airport 1000 rubles
Kalinin district – Airport Pulkovo 1000 rubles

Since the prices depends on the time, we advise you not to use Uber day on weekdays, otherwise it will pay for a simple traffic jams. On Friday and Saturday night is also very cheap to travel will not succeed, because of the high demand often include raising factors. Car on the Budget UberX tariff mainly consists of low-end models Ford, Hyundai, Kia and Chevrolet, but sometimes come across such brands as Volkswagen, BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Volvo.

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